The color wheel with primary, secondary and tertiary colors

What Do You Get When You Mix Two Primary Colors Together? – Color Mixing Basics

Color has been present in art history since ancient times, even used by prehistoric artists in cave drawings. Colors evoke emotions and influence our mood, making them a vital aspect of our lives. Regardless of the type of paint or technique you’re working with, understanding the fundamentals of color theory and color mixing will be …

What Do You Get When You Mix Two Primary Colors Together? – Color Mixing Basics Read More »

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Graphite pencil drawing of two gourds.

How Do I Learn To Draw From Scratch? (10 Tips For Beginners)

Drawing skills can be developed successfully through learning and practice, regardless of innate talent. If you’re eager to start learning how to draw but unsure where to begin, here are some useful tips for beginners. As a beginner learning to draw from scratch, it’s essential to start with the fundamentals before advancing to more complex …

How Do I Learn To Draw From Scratch? (10 Tips For Beginners) Read More »

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Pencil drawing of an apple on the tree, with leaves

Is It Worth To Learn Drawing? 12 Remarkable Benefits You Might Not Know

I’m sure you`re not the only one who`s ever wondered if it’s beneficial to learn how to draw. Drawing is one of humanity’s oldest activities, a method of communication that predates the development of writing. The cave paintings of Lascaux (35,000 – 11,000 BC) and Altamira (15,000 – 17,000 BC) are among the oldest works …

Is It Worth To Learn Drawing? 12 Remarkable Benefits You Might Not Know Read More »

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Anatomy study drawing by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Why Is Anatomy Important In Art? (The Proper Way To Draw People Explained)

Learning artistic anatomy requires a lot of effort and work. Thus, many aspiring artists ask whether it is necessary to master anatomy to draw and paint human or animal figures. Let me shed more light on the subject. Artistic anatomy is important if you want to realistically depict people or animals with your artwork. Without …

Why Is Anatomy Important In Art? (The Proper Way To Draw People Explained) Read More »

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Pencil drawing of a basket of onions and garlic.

What Makes A Good Composition In Art? (The 5 Basic Principles Explained)

The word composition is of Latin origin, meaning the arrangement of parts in something. Figuratively, it also refers to a work of art, drawing, or painting, representing the inner structure or construction of artistic creations. The artist strives to achieve aesthetic order in his work while realizing his idea, which is the center of interest …

What Makes A Good Composition In Art? (The 5 Basic Principles Explained) Read More »

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About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog!
My name is Debora, and I’m the founder of Drawing Fundamentals.
Drawing may seem difficult for beginners. And it`s hard to find a trusted source of information you can rely on. And that is why Drawing Fundamentals is here.

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