About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog!

Drawing might appear challenging for beginners, and finding a trusted source of information can be equally tough. That’s where Drawing Fundamentals comes in.

The ability to draw can be learned and developed—it’s not solely dependent on innate talent. With proper practice and patience, anyone can acquire the skill of drawing.


My name is Debora, and I’m the founder of Drawing Fundamentals. I work as a civil engineering technician. I acquired the basic knowledge necessary for freehand and technical drawing during my school training, further developing and perfecting these skills throughout my years in the profession.

Drawing is an integral part of my life. The process of creation is not only a source of relaxation but also brings me happiness when I see the finished artwork.


Drawing involves representing the three-dimensional space around us on a two-dimensional surface. To achieve this, mastering the basics of drawing is essential, providing a foundation for further skill development.

To kickstart your learning journey, you’ll only need a few basic and affordable tools: a couple of graphite pencils, erasers, drawing paper, and a pencil sharpener.

The fundamental principles of drawing remain consistent, whether you choose to work with a pencil, pen, brush, or a digital device in the future.

Through my blog, I aim to assist anyone interested in learning to draw—whether you’re seeking a creative hobby or aspire to make a living from your art.

I hope you discover valuable information as you explore my website, and I encourage you to return often as the site continues to grow.


Throughout history, humans have used drawing as a means of expression, evident in ancient cave drawings like those found in Lascaux and Altamira. Drawing serves as the foundation for various fine arts, including painting, sculpture, and architecture; however, a drawing itself is a standalone work of art.

Allow me to share a quote from Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), one of the greatest artists of all time:

“Let this be plain to all: Design, or it is called by another name, drawing, constitutes the fountain-head and substance of painting and sculpture and architecture and every other kind of painting, and is the root of all sciences. Let him who has attained the possession of this be assured that he possesses a great treasure… ”

“Let whoever may have attained to so much as to have the power of drawing know that he holds a great treasure.”

If you ever need assistance or have questions, feel free to leave them below, and I’ll be more than happy to help.

About Me

All the best,



About Me


My name is Debora, and I’m the founder of Drawing Fundamentals. I work as a civil engineering technician. I acquired the basic knowledge necessary for freehand and technical drawing during my school training, further developing and perfecting these skills throughout my years in the profession. Through my blog, I aim to assist anyone interested in learning to draw.

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