Pencil drawing of an apple on the tree, with leaves

Is It Worth To Learn Drawing? 12 Remarkable Benefits You Might Not Know

I’m sure you`re not the only one who`s ever wondered if it’s beneficial to learn how to draw. Drawing is one of humanity’s oldest activities, a method of communication that predates the development of writing. The cave paintings of Lascaux (35,000 – 11,000 BC) and Altamira (15,000 – 17,000 BC) are among the oldest works of art in the world.

So, if drawing is not one of your favorite activities, I’m sure you’re curious about why people enjoy it. Read on, as this article aims to explore whether learning to draw is worthwhile.

1. It’s worth learning to draw because it has a beneficial effect on our quality of life and promotes valuable skils not only in art, but also in everyday life. 
2. Drawing is a great tool in child development, but it also offers numerous benefits for adults. 
3. Drawing develops neural connections between the brain and the muscles of the hand, improving coordination between the eye and the hand. 
4. Drawing fosters imagination, creativity and graphic representation skills,contributing to the development of visual thinking. 
5. Additionally, drawing has positiv effects on our mental health and sense of aesthetics.

12 Compelling Reasons to Learn to Draw

Drawing can enrich our lives in many ways, whether done for fun or as a profession. Anyone can learn to draw from scratch, it doesn’t depend on talent, but on our willingness to learn.

1.  Visual Communication

Drawing, a powerful means of communication akin to writing or speaking, utilizes visual language for artists to convey their messages. Throughout history, mankind has employed drawing for communication, evident in ancient cave drawings and hieroglyphs.

For those struggling with verbal expression, drawing offers an avenue to communicate thoughts and emotions.

This visual language also contains expressive elements such as dots, lines, textures, shapes, colors, and tonal values. The application of artistic composition rules allows the creation of harmonious and visually pleasing drawings.

Additionally, visual language cues include human gestures, facial expressions, and body language we learn to observe and interpret. It extends to the interpretation of symbols, pictograms, and images, playing a vital role in understanding visual culture.

Lascaux cave painting
Lascaux cave painting (35,000 – 11,000 BC) Image source
Altamira cave painting
Altamira cave painting (15,000 – 17,000 BC) Image source

2. Enhancing Observation Skills

Drawing influences the way we perceive our environment, shaping our understanding of movements, proportions, shapes, colors, and light and shadow. According to a study published on the website of Scientific Research, preschool children who drew their observations retained more information about the given subjects than those who only expressed their observations verbally.

As we learn to observe, we identify the basic geometric shapes and solids in the objects we intend to draw, as all forms can be traced back to these fundamental geometric elements.

Additionally, drawing plays a crucial role in developing spatial planning and organizational skills, contributing to the enhancement of spatial orientation skills.

3. Fueling Imagination

Drawing is an activity through which we can develop and exercise our imagination. Imagination is the ability to see images through the eyes of our minds, in other words, the ability to create images in our minds.

Imagination plays a crucial role not only in art but also in everyday life, allowing us to envision opportunities and solutions in challenging situations. Imagination in drawing involves visualizing solutions to artistic challenges, and this skill seamlessly translates into problem-solving in other areas of life.

The ability to mentally manipulate shapes, colors, and compositions in drawing fosters a creative mindset that can be applied when facing real-world problems. Individuals with well-developed imaginations often approach challenges with a unique perspective, generating innovative solutions.

Artists are accustomed to thinking outside conventional boundaries, imagining new possibilities, and experimenting with different approaches.

4. Boosting Brain Function

Drawing not only aids in the cognitive development of children but also exerts a positive impact on brain function in adulthood. It enhances memory and concentration, making it a valuable activity throughout life. Furthermore, drawing, by stimulating the brain, has been shown to provide benefits for individuals dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Developing Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills development prepares us for tasks that require the precise use of our hands. Drawing enhances the coordination between the eyes and hands.

Additionally, the muscles and joints of the hands develop through drawing, aiding children in establishing a dominant hand and a secure pencil grip.

While digital drawing tools are popular today, for beginners, I recommend starting with traditional drawing techniques and tools.

6. Stress Relief

Engaging in creative activities, such as drawing, reduces the levels of Cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone, and activates the brain’s reward center. That’s why we experience a sense of well-being while drawing.

Expressing our emotions through drawing aids in processing and relieving anxiety. It also assists in navigating through the complexities of everyday events.

Children often use drawing as a tool to process their experiences, portraying both positive and negative aspects. Through their drawings, we gain valuable insights into their emotions and thoughts.

Creativity serves as a powerful tool in combating depression, offering fresh perspectives and potential solutions in times of seeming hopelessness.

7. Nurturing Creativity

Creativity is a quality valuable not only in art but also in our daily lives. Creative individuals navigate everyday challenges more easily, showcasing a proficiency in creative problem-solving. Developing creative thinking empowers us to design, innovate, and invent.

pencil grip

8. Cultivating Aesthetic Sense

Our sense of aesthetics develops as we engage in artistic activities like drawing. Aesthetic sense is further refined through the observation of works of art. Over time and with practice, we learn to recognize and apply the elements and rules of aesthetic composition.

The cultivation of a sense of beauty and good taste encourages us to enhance our surroundings, contributing to an improved quality of life.

9. Improving Social Skills

Drawing in groups enhances the ability to collaborate with others. Creating art together provides an opportunity to learn from and support one another.

Artistic activities in pairs or groups contribute to the social development of children. They also teach children to accept praise or criticism from their peers.

10. Building Self-Confidence

As your graphic skills improve with practice, so will your self-confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, praising and appreciating the drawings of our children can also enhance their self-confidence.

11. Fostering Critical Thinking

Critical thinking involves analyzing, assessing, and processing the information that comes our way before accepting it. This is one of the most important skills to acquire from an early age.

Critical thinking allows information to be analyzed, interpreted, assessed, and selected. It is a process of unbiased, neutral thinking that leads to a well-founded, logical conclusion

12. Affordable and Accessible: The Low Cost of Drawing

Drawing is a creative activity that doesn’t cost much; you don’t need any special, expensive equipment. With a graphite pencil, a sheet of paper, and an eraser, you already have everything you need.

Experimenting with various drawing tools such as charcoal, pen and ink, or colored pencils can be enjoyable. You can also try drawing on different papers and surfaces.

Drawing doesn’t require a lot of space, just adequate light. You can draw almost anywhere, at home or outdoors.

Final Thoughts

Drawing is a joyful and creative activity that provides a sense of success. Our drawings can serve as a means of self-expression, communicating our thoughts, emotions, and mood to viewers.

The personality-developing effects of drawing are clear and scientifically proven. It boosts self-confidence and aids in the development of crucial skills and abilities, such as creativity, visual and critical thinking, good aesthetic taste, precision, and more.

Anyone can learn to draw; it does not depend on innate talent but on diligence. The more you practice, the better you will become.

About Me


My name is Debora, and I’m the founder of Drawing Fundamentals. I work as a civil engineering technician. I acquired the basic knowledge necessary for freehand and technical drawing during my school training, further developing and perfecting these skills throughout my years in the profession. Through my blog, I aim to assist anyone interested in learning to draw.

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2 thoughts on “Is It Worth To Learn Drawing? 12 Remarkable Benefits You Might Not Know”

  1. Hi there

    Thank you for sharing this inspiring article. I really loved the reading.

    I always thought that you need to be talented to draw, and that’s why I gave up drawing because my teacher in school once told me that we need to be talented. However, I am interested in learning tattoos, and the seller asked me to send him some drawings to see if I am talented enough to learn tattoos. So now I’ll practice a little, and I hope I’ll make some nice drawings. This post really inspired me to start drawing, and I thank you for it. 

    1. Hi Daniella, I`m so glad you liked my article. Drawing is a skill you can learn, no talent is needed. All you need is to learn the basic principles of drawing and practice a lot. Drawing is a good way to maintain and improve our mental well-being. There are also many different ways to earn money with your drawings. Tattoo art is a great way to express your creativity and earn some income.

      Regards, Debora

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